Japa: ARD-UITH records modest achievement in the recruitment of resident doctors

 Japa: ARD-UITH records modest achievement in the recruitment of resident doctors

The Association of Resident Doctors, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (ARD-UITH) has stated that despite numerous challenges, the association has recorded modest achievements in the recruitment of resident doctors and payment of medical residency training funds to members.

The President of ARD-Dr Mubarak Ijaiya stated this on Monday in Ilorin during a press conference organized at the commencement of the 40th Annual General Meeting/Sir Ademola Aderibigbe Scientific Conference.

He, however, added that despite this achievement, the Japa syndrome persists, as members continue to seek greener pastures elsewhere.

Ijaiya appealed to the government at all levels to put in measures that would motivate doctors to work in the country.

He further stated that the association was able to refurbish its secretariat and call rooms and continue the expansion of the association lodge of residence.

“The peak of which, the association finally taking the mantle of leadership at the national level; Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors (NARD),” he said.

The ARD-UITH president commended the Federal Government for declaring a state of emergency on the healthcare system in Nigeria.

He said: “We are happy and excited that the government has declared a state of emergency on our healthcare system and we hope that they critically investigate modalities of improving our healthcare system.

“This we believe, will improve healthcare delivery and stem the tide of health workers exodus,” he said.

He observed that the past year has witnessed massive highs and tenebrous lows, adding that the peak of the low was the loss of a colleague; Dr Adekunle Suleiman.

According to him, despite the numerous challenges, some modest achievements were recorded including recruitment of resident doctors.

Other achievements, he said are payment of medical residency training funds to members, refurbishment of the secretariat and call rooms, and the peak of which was the association finally taking the mantle of leadership at the national level.

Ijaiya explained further that the AGM and scientific conference is a constitutional mandate of the association used to celebrate the successful completion of the executive year.

He added that it was also ushered in another executive year with new members of the association taking over the mantle of leadership.

“Part of the activities for the week includes medical screening for members, visitation to the orphanage, quiz competition and table tennis. among others.

Ijaiya stated that the theme of the conference is: “Multidimensional Implications of Bullying and Burnout Among Medical Practitioners in Nigeria”.

He added that the sub-theme is: “The Looming Increase in the Rate of Assault of Health Workers: The Role of Government”.