Home ยป Crude oil exporting countries and numbers of active refinery

Crude oil exporting countries and numbers of active refinery

by Olufemi Awoyinka
images 14



Crude oil exporting countries and numbers of active refinery

Country Active Refinery:

Saudi Arabia 5

Russia 44

Kuwait 2

Iran 3


USA 129

China 32

Iraq 15

Canada 15


Venezuela 6

Algeria 5

Libya 5

Qatar 2

Norway 1

Mexico 6

Brazil 19

India 23

Angola 1

Oman 1

Indonesia 6

Kazakhstan 3

Germany 16

Azerbaijan 2

Summary :

All major petroleum exporting countries have active refineries for local consumption of petroluem products except ‘giant of Africa’ Nigeria!.


United States of America with most refineries (129).

When they say ” God bless America “, I dont think it is because the people who reside in USA are so religious.

I think it is more about the determination of the government and the people towards solving challenges facing them.

If Hospitals, Refineries, etc, are established in Nigeria and people (Nigerians, muslims and Christians) are employed to manage them, within few hours, mismanagement and embezzlement of funds will take over.

My Yoruba people say ‘A se ni nse ara e’, translated to:

What we sow is exactly what we harvest!

We mismanaged our 3 refineries and all packed up simultaneously, many years ago.

We haven’t been able to turn them around because of failure of leadership.

Days of reckoning are here!

You see, there is no magic that Heaven will do if we wont do what is right!

Critical thinking towards problem solving, doing what is right and at the right time by government and the citizens, are vital to a prosperous and peaceful Nigeria.

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