AY Comedian and BasketMouth lived in my boys’ quarters – Alibaba

Retired stand-up comedian well known as Alibaba, has disclosed that AY Comedian and Basketmouth used to live in his boy’s quarters.

He claimed that when the competing comedians were first starting in the business, he had let them stay in his boy’s quarters.

Alibaba revealed the information when he was a guest on a recent episode of The Honest Bunch Podcast, which Nedu Wazobia, an on-air personality, co-hosted.

The ‘King of comedy’ said:

Basketmouth, AY lived in my boys’ quarters – Alibaba
Legendary stand-up comedian, Alibaba. source: Google

“Basketmouth and AY… When you think about it, these are people who were living in BQ [boys’ quarters] with me back in the days.”

As you may recall, AY and Basketmouth had a 17-year rivalry that ended recently when AY expressed regret.  After that, Basket invited Ayo Makun to his comedy gig at the Eko Hotel & Suites in Lagos via email.