Sultan, Emir of Ilorin, Naik, others pray for Nigeria at Usman Danfodiyo’s lecture

Sultan, Emir of Ilorin, Naik, others pray for Nigeria at Usman Danfodiyo's lecture

The Sultan of Sokoto and President General of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), Alhaji Mohammed Saad Abubakar, the Emir of Ilorin, Alh Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari, were amongst eminent personalities that gathered in Ilorin, Kwara State on Sunday to offer a special prayer for Nigeria.

The prayer which was led by the Chief Imam of Ilorin, Sheikh Mohammed Bashir Salihu formed the major highlight of the 10th Annual Usman Danfodiyo Lecture.

Other eminent personalities that attended the prayer session included the representative of Kwara State governor, AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, Justice AbdulLateef Kamaldeenwho is also the grand Kadi of the state and Dr Zakir AbdulKarim Naik who delivered the 10th annual UsmanDanfodiyo’s lecture.

Naik, a Malaysian nationale spoke on the topic, ” The Concept of God In Major World Religions.

The secretary general of NSCIA, Prof Is- haq Oloyede, Professors Badamas Yusuf, Abubakar Aliagan, the Mutawali of Ilorin, Dr Alimi AbdulRazaq and the Zanna of Ilorin, Engr Yusuf Sagaya were also in attendance.

The Chief Imam of Ilorin, Sheikh Mohammed Bashir Salihu, led others in praying to God to prosper Nigeria and restore peace to the troubled parts of the country.

In his remarks after the prayer session, the Sultan of Sokoto, AlhSaad Abubakar asked adherents of Islamic religion to seek knowledge about people of other faiths in other to promote peaceful co-existence in the country.

He also admonished Muslims to acquire “knowledge about words of God and work with them in other to become better human beings “.

The Sultan said the purpose of the annual Usman Danfodiyo lecture was to encourage Muslims to acquire knowledge and share such to strengthen Islam.

“Sokoto caliphate was founded on knowledge and not on illiteracy hence it is an obligation on all Muslims to seek knowledge, bequeath such to their children and spread the right knowledge about Islam to check the trend of fake news,” he added.

He said the choice of Ilorin for the lecture was done deliberately to demonstrate that Muslims are “one big family “.

“Why Ilorin, somebody may ask that question. It is because we are one family and it is important to share knowledge and educate people across the globe “, he said

“We are here to educate ourselves about what our forefathers did to strengthen Islam. They didn’t bring Islam to the world, they

follow the words of God and strengthen it”, he added

Sultan praised the choice of the guest lecturer, who he described as an international scholar of repute and urged the attendees to share the knowledge acquired and work with the words of God.

“It is one thing to hear the word of God, it’s another thing to work with it. I’m asking us to work with the words of God so that we can become a better human being