Mother’s death or Drug ??? Wizkid new pictures caused stirs online

New photos of legendary singer, Wizkid and his baby mama Jada P, have left fans in a worried state following his recent outcry about losing himself since his mother’s demise.

Jada took to her Instagram page to share new photos with Wizkid which they took at a Bob Marley event.

Wizkid and Jada P.

The photos depict Wizkid in black on black holding a glass of white wine as he stands with Jada to take a shot.

Netizens have commented on his outfit as well as his facial expression on the photo.

Many have expressed that the grief of his mother’s demise is still taking a toll on him.

Check out some reactions below …

precious_ibini said: “He’s mother’s death is affecting him seriously….may God comfort him”

samkidsthrift shared: “U can’t understand d pain of losing one’s mother😢 17yrs and I still cry and miss her till date!!”

rhebekka_ut remarked: “I feel so sorry for wizkid 😢, he needs all the support and love right now, may GOD comfort him.”

yellowshugabae said: “I pray God gives him all the strength that he needs to be strong again
Mama is resting and she’s watching over you💯
May God forgive her sins and rest her soul 🕊️
You made her proud while she was alive
Hang in there Wiz🙌”

keishawesley1_ stated: “Hope he’s good though.. BigWiz feel free to take one day at a time.. Time heals all 🧡💪🏽💙”


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