Home » FG relocates four Federal Agencies, subsumed SERVICOM, BCDA, PCC, NITR, others

FG relocates four Federal Agencies, subsumed SERVICOM, BCDA, PCC, NITR, others

by Akeem Adeyemi
FG relocates four Federal Agencies, subsumed SERVICOM, BCDA, PCC, NITR, others

President Bola Tinubu on Monday approved the relocation and subsumption of various federal ministries, departments, and agencies by the Stanley Oronsaye report’s recommendations.

According to reports, the decision to execute the Oronsaye report was announced following the Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting, which was chaired by President Tinubu on Monday.

The Orosanya report proposed, among other things, ending government sponsorship of professional groups and councils to free up funds for capital projects.

It determined that there are 541 Federal Government parastatals, commissions, and agencies (statutory and non-statutory) and advised that 263 of the statutory agencies be reduced to 161, while 38 agencies should be eliminated and 52 should be consolidated.

The panel also proposed that 14 of the agencies be converted into ministry departments to create a more efficient administration.

These are the list of government agencies set to be subsumed and relocated.

1. Service Compact with all Nigerians (SERVICOM) to be subsumed as a department under the Bureau for Public Service Reforms (BPSR).

2. Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA) to be subsumed to function as a department under the National Boundary Commission (NBC).

3. National Salaries, Income and Wages Commissioned (NSIWC) to be subsumed into the Revenue Mobilization & Fiscal Allocation Commission (RMAFC).

4. Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution to be subsumed under the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs (NIIA)

5. Public Complaints Commission (PCC) to be subsumed under the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).

6. The Nigerian Institute for Trypanosomiasis (NITR) will be subsumed into the Institute of Veterinary Research (VOM).

7. Nigerian Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA) to be subsumed under the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Development

8. The National Intelligence Agency Pension Commission will be subsumed under the administration of the Nigerian Pension Commission (PenCom).

9. The Nigerian Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) will be subsumed as a Department in the Ministry of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy.


1. Niger Delta Powerholding Company (NDHC) to be relocated to the Ministry of Power.

2. The National Agricultural Land Development Agency [NALDA] will be relocated to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security.

3. National Blood Service Commission to be converted into an Agency and relocated to the Federal Ministry of Health.

4. Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM) to be converted into an Agency and transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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